The only creature that was stirring was my husband researching;
His iBook was warm but handled with care,
In hopes that his iPhone soon would be there;
His wife was nestled all snug in her bed,
While visions of the keyboard danced in Rob’s head
It’s here…it’s finally here! The highly anticipated iPhone - a conversation that’s essentially taken over our household for the last several days. And this morning, we spoke about the logistics of leaving work early and heading to a Cingular store (because the Apple Stores will surely be packed - even the Philadelphia mayor is waiting in line). I’m already planning on an evening of waiting in a horrendous line in order for Rob to purchase his newest gadget. It was actually me who suggested that we still visit an Apple location – just to get the full experience of the iPhone launch. Rob has been doing “research” on the iPhone for weeks. He tells me it’s for work, but I’m no dummy, I know he’s doing “consumer research” not “work research”…But his bride is proud...Rob actually appeared in some advertising - well, just his name, but we're so proud...
This is a plasma screen in the Apple Store windows

iPhone keyboard online tutorial It's hard to see, but that's Rob's name, you can see better online
I just hope we actually get one today. I’ll share the details on Monday.
Not to be forgotten with all this iPhone excitement…we saw an advanced screening of Hairspray last night and it was awesome! I loved every minute of it – the music and the energy is incredible! I totally recommend seeing it.
Happy Friday!
Good luck with the phone craziness! I hope Rob gets one! I'd like to see one face-to-face! Your poem is so cute! I hope that took some time for you to come up with...if not, you are one talented bride! :)
Love ya!
I just went online and noticed Rob's name...that's SO freakin' cool! your hubby is a celebrity! heehee
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