

I've unintentionally neglected my little blog. I've been super busy non-stop for the last couple of weeks. School, errands, meetings, social events, creative ideations - all great stuff, but they have certainly prevented me from updating my blog. Fortunately though, I haven't been too busy to lurk and stay abreast on all ya'll's lives. Tomorrow after school, I've got no plans! Just a glorious afternoon of starting a Valentine's Day project, updating my blog with very belated events, and laundry.

I'm currently loving:

- Anything pink and red, particularly carnations, candles, and paper
- My purple fluffy slippers
- Deciding where we'll spend our anniversary vacation
- Conversation hearts (too many though becomes too much of a good thing)
- Thinking about a newly planned girls' weekend in Sonoma


Nanette said...

The blogosphere isn't the same without you, but we understand. ;)

And I was thiiiiiiiiiis close to buying some conversation hearts tonight.

emily said...

phew...glad you're back. don't take after me on the blog neglecting...it's a bad habit! so what's the V-Day project all about??

Lo said...

They sell conversation hearts in bulk at Henry's market in San Diego. I'm not very good at those games where you have to guess how many jelly beans are in a jar, but I'd guess there are a few thousand hearts in that huge barrel. Woah.

amber said...

ah, i missed seeing you in blog-land, but i totally understand. i still need to email you to chat about the 3 day and other fun stuff ;)

That Girl said...

It sounds silly, but I'm always jealous of people who do Valentine's day projects....maybe I'll come up with one of my own.

R said...

I love conversation hearts. Reminds me of simpler times. :)

Nice to see you back.

Sarah said...

I'm currently loving all your current loves. How fun! Can't wait for the posts to start rolling in :)

wan said...

i like the chocolate conversation hearts :)

girls' weekend! so fun!