Without getting into details about the lack of support I received from my administration at school, I thought I should at least get the support from my students. The week of the walk, I spoke with my students about my upcoming weekend. Most were really excited for me and interested in the cause, it was only a couple boys that giggled when I said "breast" {they are 12 year olds}. The students created signs for me to post on my doors and walls.
If I had to pick a favorite, this would be a contender
I left school a little early on Thursday {luckily, I didn't have students last period that day} and I totally felt the need to literally sneak out, not wanting to ask for any additional time off, thank you for your generosity, Mr. Principal. The week of the walk, I had a huge paper at school due, which left little time for packing and other preparations. Thankfully, I squeezed in just enough time to pack and run errands, which was very stressful ensuring I had all the necessary items.
Rob was a critical element that week in keeping me calm! Here he's loading all my junk in his car
Once in San Diego at Laura's place, Amber and I caught up with Laura and Jeff and organized all our stuff. When we first tried on our skirts, made lovingly just for us by my MIL, we were so excited at how beautiful and comfortable they were!